Book Round-Up June 2023

Sarah E
6 min readJul 1, 2023


This is my book round up of the month! Just a few this month, very very busy month for me! Let me know what you read!

Savvy Sheldon Feels Good as Hell by Taj McCoy

A modern romance debut that is refreshing and original, with explorations of different kinds of love- family, friends, and romantic. Savvy Sheldon is a character to root for throughout the entire book, as she strives to be authentically herself and glow up to her potential- and no one else’s!

A long-term toxic relationship that was putting a damper on her personality, hobbies, and life goals, unexpectedly falls apart. With love and encouragement from her friends, family, and co-workers she sets off on a glow up plan. This plan involves getting back into her favorite sport (tennis), a new hairstyle, a new wardrobe, and signing up for more cooking classes (her true talent and passion). OH! And who could forget the extensive kitchen remodel with a dreamy contractor and his trusty dog sidekick. Her girl gang always has her back and best interests in mind and I love the way they call out her “self-sabotaging” and lovingly push her beyond her comfort zone for growth!

This debut is a very well rounded and relatable story with the perfect amount of plot, divine descriptions of her culinary creations, and steamy romance. I also very much enjoyed the celebration of plus-size beauty and a diverse cast of characters. The southern setting also is so cozy to me, but that’s probably because I grew up in the South and am a little homesick. But hopefully you will enjoy it as well! It’s nice to have a romance novel set somewhere other than NYC or California.

Reasons to Stay Alive by Matt Haig

I started reading this book in the summer of 2019 on a visit to NYC. I remember reading it on the subway back to New Jersey after being in the city. I was going through a really really rough time in my mental health journey. Kind of a strange book to bring as light reading while on vacation, but alas, I was desperate! I remember the book being so comfortable and relatable and like a warm hug to the heart. I remember keeping it in the second pocked of my floral black and white Kate Spade crossbody purse. I had recently started using that purse, as I had recently quit my job at Ulta and didn’t have to use boring clear purses anymore! It went right back on the shelf when we got home, because I was working as a nanny and at my local candy store and I had a lot of stuff to lug around- books, makeup, snacks, chargers, etc- yay totebags!

Recently one of our rabbits (I had 3, now 2-Shaun and Jon) passed away and I was keeping myself busy with home projects like reorganizing my closet, cleaning out purses, doing laundry. I found this book tucked into the Kate Spade purse and I thought, well this might be a comfort right now. Joe’s living area was in the living room and I couldn’t bring myself to lay on the couch, it just made me too sad looking over at his habitat :( I miss that little guy! So I took my Big Joe beanbag chair outside onto our tiny porch/balcony and read from where I last left off. Tears were streaming down my face, but they were very healing and a much needed release. I felt so understood and validated and was filled with hope to continue going on and continue pursuing my passions, hobbies, and desires in life! It was a great encouragement and a little bit of a reset, following a very difficult time. Matt Haig writes very candidly about his mental health experiences and offers a hopeful and optimistic outlook that can be relatable to anyone!

Four Aunties and a Wedding by Jesse Q Sutanto

I read Dial A for Aunties by Jesse Q. Sutanto last year in April and loved it! It was unlike any book I had ever read. It had mystery, comedy, family drama, family love, romance and action! This is the second book in the Aunties Series and it was just as good, if not better! Each chapter was incredibly entertaining and I often laughed out loud. I love the quirky and irreplaceable aunties and their strong bond with Meddy. They certainly get up to some wild hijinks and scenarios in this book. The plot has many twists and turns that make this a loveable and outrageous story and a great read without being complicated.

It was hard to write this summary because I don’t want to give too much away or talk about the plot too much because the books speak for themselves! If I had started this book on a weekend day I probably would have finished it the day of, but I started it on a Monday and read through it after work every day. I think this series would make an excellent movie! Hint Hint Hollywood!

Last Call at the Nightingale by Katharine Schellman

This was an advanced reader’s copy (ARC) I had picked whilst I was working at a local bookstore when we first moved out to Colorado. It intrigued me because it is set in the glittering and glamorous 1920’s and I am positively obsessed with anything from that era (my favorite book is the Great Gatsby. But also Pride and Prejudice. I can’t choose just one, and you can’t make me).

I had so many ARC’s from the year I was at the bookstore that I still haven’t gotten through almost a year later! I converted the bookshelf next to my bed to be my ARC shelf and when I don’t know what to read next or I haven’t gone to the library in a minute I just grab one off of that and give it a go! Sometimes I win, sometimes it’s just not for me at that moment in time so I’ll give them away. Let me know if you want any ARC’s I will gladly send them out, I love book mail! Anyways, I’ll talk about the book now and not just me haha.

This is the first book in the Nightingale Mysteries about a speakeasy in New York City full of drama, dancing, and secrets! This underground night club is inclusive, progressive and a safe place for many people. The main character is Vivian Kelly, an Irish immigrant working as a seamstress in the city with her twin sister. Vivian is obstinate, headstrong, and determined to be something more in her world. She loves to get dressed up and go to the Nightingale to escape her droll unpleasant day job, dancing the night away and hanging out with her bestie Bea who works at the nightclub as a waitress. The two make an unexpected discovery whilst in the alley behind the nightclub and next thing you know both are thrust into a dark and scary secret world of bootleggers and murder!

I really enjoyed the beautiful descriptions of the various settings throughout the novel; it was very captivating and easy to visualize in my head. This felt like a mystery, action, and historical fiction novel all in one. Very different from any recent mysteries I have read- which to be far are not very many. I prefer the mysteries of the Agatha Christie variety. Thank you very much. I am very excited that there will be a sequel to this wonderful debut. Looking forward to reading it :)

Well there we are, the end of my monthly book round up. I didn’t read as many books as I normally do, but there were many extenuating circumstances and lots of personal time needed. Yesterday June 30 was stuff your Kindle day, so I was able to download a ton of books whilst I was at work- Fridays are so stinking slow!!! I will be reading lots of Kindle books with my upcoming travel to the UK in mid July. Thank you so much for reading, I hope you have a wonderful day!





Sarah E

Human trying to feel every feeling and experience in the world. All about the vibes. Let’s get caught in the rain together, shall we?